Macquarie Geotechnical’s laboratories are able to appropriately sample and test aggregates to Australian and Road and Maritime Service standards.
Compliance testing for concrete, ballast, sealing aggregates and asphalt can also be undertaken.
Material Evaluation – Aggregates (RMS)
RMS T100 Sampling from a Stockpile
RMS T200 Chloride content of roadbase
RMS T201 Particle distribution of aggregates (by washing)
RMS T202 Presence of Friable Particles in Aggregates
RMS T203 Particle distribution of aggregates finer than 75 µm (by washing)
RMS T204 Los Angeles Test for Coarse Aggregates
RMS T205 Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)
RMS T209 Particle density & water absorption of coarse aggregate
RMS T210 Density and Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate
RMS T211 Uncompacted bulk density of aggregate
RMS T212 Compacted bulk density of aggregate
RMS T213 Particle Shape by Proportional Caliper
RMS T215 Wet/Dry Strength Variation (Duplicate)
RMS T218 Total Sulphur Content in Metallurgical Slag
RMS T219 Acid Soluble Sulphate Content in Road Construction Materials
RMS T235 Average Least Dimension of Aggregate
RMS T236 Rate of spread of coverage aggregate*
RMS T239 Fractured Face of Coarse Aggregate
RMS T260 Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate (Colour Test)
RMS T262 Determination of Moisture Content of Aggregates (Standard Method)
RMS T264 Soluble Salts in Sand
RMS T266 Soundness of Aggregates (By Use of Sodium Sulphate Solution)
RMS T268 Determination of Clay or Fine Silt Content in Aggregate (Settling Method)
RMS T269 Sugar in Aggregate
RMS T270 Material Finer than 2 µm in Aggregates
RMS T275 Average Least Dimension of 5 mm and 7 mm Aggregates
RMS T276 Foreign Materials Content of Recycled Crushed Concrete
RMS T278 Aggregate Shape by the Ratio of Greatest to Least Dimension
RMS T659 Methylene Blue Adsorption Value of Road Construction Materials*
Material Evaluation – Aggregates (Australian Standards)
AS1141.3.1 Sampling – Aggregates
AS1141.3.2 Sampling - Aggregates
AS1141.4 Bulk Density – Uncompacted& Compacted
AS1141.5 Particle Density & Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate
AS1141.6.1 Particle Density and Water absorption of Coarse Aggregate (Weighing in Water Method)
AS1141.11, 12, 13, 19 Particle Size Distribution by Sieving and Materials Finer Than 75μm in Aggregates (by Washing); Materials fine than 2μm; fine particle size distribution in road materials
AS1141.14 Particle Shape, by Proportional Caliper
AS1141.15 Flakiness Index
AS1141.20 Average to Least Dimension - Direct Measurement
AS1141.21 Aggregate Crushing Value
AS1141.22 Wet/Dry Strength Variation (Single)
AS1141.23 Los Angeles Value
AS1141.24 Aggregate Soundness (by Exposure to Sodium Sulphate)
AS1141.27 Resistance to Wear by Attrition
AS1141.31 Light particles
AS1141.32 Weak Particles – Clay Lumps, Soft & Friable Particles
AS1141.33 Determination of clay and fine silt (settling method)
AS1141.34 Organic impurities other than sugar
AS1141.35 Sugar
AS1141.36 Total Sulphur Content in Metallurgical Slag
*Test methods not currrently covered by NATA Accreditation

Our Laboratories are NATA accredited for the following: