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Macquarie Geotechnical has a team of highly qualified and experienced geophysicists offering exceptional capabilities across acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data.


With the use of high quality equipment our team is able to undertake multiple modes of survey including-

  • Seismic Refraction 

  • Magnetic 

  • Gravity 

  • GPR - Ground Penetration Radar

  • MASW - Mulitchannel Analysis of Surface Waves


 Magnetic survey specifications:

  • Sensitivity: 0.022 nT @ 1 Hz

  • Resolution: 0.01 nT

  • Absolute Accuracy: +/- 0.1 nT

  • Dynamic Range: 20,000 to 120,000 nT

  • Sampling Intervals: 60+, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2 sec

  • Mag station base recording for diurnal correction of the earth's magnetic field.


All data acquired is subject to rigorous quality control in the field and is returned for processing with industry-leading software such as Oasis Montaj and Rayfract Ltd. From which the data can be used to produce 2D and 3D models. A geophysical data inversion is also applied to magnetic and gravity data. 



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Downhole Imaging 


Macquarie Geotechnical owns and operates the latest innovations in borehole imaging equipment and processing software. With the use of acoustic and optical televiewers Macquarie Geotech can provide accurate borehole wall imagery, rock defect structure and aperture and soil structure. These can be recorded with some of the highest resolution on the market to add valuable data to your project.


Borehole imaging is completed with industry best practice and under MacGeo's quality management; data processing is completed by specially trained engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers and can provide greater understanding and assist with interpretation of subsurface conditions.


Macquarie Geotech have access to tools for downhole seismic applications (P and S wave), gamma, density and others.
















Contact us today to see how we can greatly improve the understanding for your project.




(02) 6332 2011

3 Watt Dr, Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia

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