Macquarie Geotechnical currently operates eleven drilling rigs with a team of drilling crews and site staff supported by Engineering Geologists and Geotechnical Engineers.
With several decades of experience in the area, Macquarie Geotechnical has a proven record of effective site investigations.

Our Geotechnical section consists of qualified Geotechnical Engineers and Technicians and is able to undertake site investigation field work comprising drilling, test pitting and site supervision of earthworks.
We can undertake in-situ testing comprising Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP),Standard Penetrometer Testing (SPT), Plate Load Testing and other methods.
Macquarie Geotech is able to offer pavement analysis and design, using modern geotechnical software programs such as gINT, Circly © and DIPS which provide geotechnical models.

Macquarie Geotech has a team of qualified and experienced Geophysicists that are able to undertake surveys including seismic refraction, magnetic, gravity, GPR - Ground Penetration Radar and MASW - Mulitchannel Analysis of Surface Waves.
Geophysical data is processed through industry-
leading software such as Oasis Montaj and Rayfract Ltd.
Our geotech team also offers downhole imaging for both Accoustic and Optical Televiewer borehole logging.